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Survey results - Resources are available
A similar distribution was found in responses to questions relate to the provision of resources. Fifty-nine percent of respondents identified that financial support to enact change through distributed leadership was provided, with illustrative quotes including:
- SaMnet's action-learning projects are not funded by SaMnet. However, some projects have gained funding from their faculty or university.
- In 2011 CoP facilitators received $1000 each to utilise for professional development (conferences, books, etc.) and a similar amount and process is in place this year.
- Funds from ALTC and HERDSA, not a priority for the university
While fifty-four percent of respondents stated that regular networking opportunities were encouraged, only twenty-nine percent indicated that individual participation in activities was acknowledged in work-plans. Illustrative examples included
- Significant time-release funding (in my opinion) was provided in 2009 and 2010 for CoP facilitators to plan, liaise, hold meetings, etc.
- The project team was given time release to develop the new initiative and extra support was later offered in the form of new people.
- External money was available, but most participants were not able to use this because there was no-one available to cover their teaching commitments
- The academic was provided with time and space to work on the initiative. Their teaching load was reduced by 50% with funding back to school
- Participation in the project was formally acknowledged, but little workload time has been provided for the project's activities, one academic fellowship and models funding that was provided centrally but then the project involved distributed decision making.
Only twenty-six percent of responded indicated that participation in these initiatives was considered for career development purposes, with illustrative quotes including:
- SaMnet provides a letter of congratulations to the Dean when a team gains SaMnet endorsement for their project, and SaMnet has been presented and lauded at an AGM of the Australian Council of Deans of Science. So, our aim is to gain career development points for project participant.
- It is unclear whether this will be acknowledge for career purposes, I believe it will but it largely depends upon individual circumstances